Stallion Services

“Galdur frá Reykjavík is one of the highest evaluated stallions in the U.S.A. and is recognized nationwide for his exceptional personality and solid character.
Galdur is a 1st prize evaluated stallion under Seiður frá Flugumýri II who has received 1st prize for his offspring in Iceland. Galdur is a solidly built stallion receiving a total of 8.33 for his conformation. He has a beautiful neck, high withers, and sloping shoulders. Galdur is very proportional with long legs and strong tendons. His hooves have a concave sole and were judged as having particularly strong material. All of these attributes make him an ideal match for breeding horses that will stay healthy and strong for long term use as riding and competitive horses.
When it comes to his gaits, Galdur’s scores represent the fact that he simply does not have a weak gait! Galdur received a score of 8.5 in his breeding assessment for walk, tölt, trot, pace, and gallop. All of his gaits have a clear beat, impressive speed range, roomy long strides, and supple movements. He also received a 9 for spirit with the judges comments including “cooperative” and “eager.”
In sport competition Galdur has proved competitive in tölt, four gait, and five gait classes. In particular he has won several competitions and held the top slot in the US rankings in T4 Loose Rein Tölt. His versatility on the oval track and the ease with which he has mastered the loose rein tölt is a testament to the quality of his gaits and trainability.
Galdur’s temperament is the perfect blend of confidence and willingness to please. He has a fun and loving personality and always enjoys spending time with people. He is fearless on the trail and always keeps his rider safe. One of the more incredible things about him is his ability to discern when he needs to be calm and take care of his rider versus when he needs to give full power. He can easily be used for a pony ride for a small child, and then the next second he can switch gears, and show incredible speed in a pace race with a professional rider.
Galdur has also proven himself as an impressive performance horse in the Knights of Iceland show team. His smooth tolt is perfect for the team’s signature beer tölt performance and his spectacular flying pace always makes the crowd go wild. Galdur’s signature move is his ability to pace without help from the rider – meaning the rider can drop the reins or put the reins in their teeth and he continues full speed without assistance! Perhaps his favorite part is meeting the audience members after the shows for cuddles and plenty of selfies with his fans.
Although Galdur has not been bred extensively his offspring have proven to share his personable character and natural tölt. They all appear confident and show all five gaits running free in the field. In addition, several breeders have commented on his ability to throw foals with beautiful conformation. The future is bright for these up and coming youngsters.”
Written by Carrie Brandt
From Taktur, LLc in Crestwood, KY